As a family of books , is an important accessory power adapter , power adapter when purchasing everyday , we will always meet original and non-original price difference is more, this time on how to choose? This article will briefly introduce our Things to know when the optional power adapter . In looking for your help .
Tools / materials
Computer power adapter of the same nominal voltage, output current of the power supply voltage adapter can pass the same , the output current is different, can not be used on the same books . The basic principle is that a large nominal current of the power supply can replace a small nominal current of the power supply. Estimated that someone would think so , I feel great nominal current of the power will burn the books , because the current big thing. In fact, much the same voltage current situation depends on the load , Oh, think of junior high school physics know . When the books when the high-load operation , the current bigger, when the books go into standby , the current is smaller, a large nominal current of the power supply has sufficient current margin. Conversely, someone with 56w 72w power supply instead of using them is also no problem , because the power adapter is usually designed to leave a margin , load power must be less than the power supply , so this instead of general use is feasible, but the rest of the power headroom rarely , once you pick up a lot of books peripherals, such as two usb hard drive, then cpu running at full speed , then there is a base, a CD-ROM drive at full speed to read the disk , plus the same time charging the battery, estimated to be dangerous , you should feel free to feel power is not already boiled eggs. So it is best not to use a small electric current instead of high-current power supply .